Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I'm feeling pretty darn proud of myself today as not only did I go out and purchase a fitness DVD but I actually used it last night. And not just as a coaster this time. With the girl sound asleep and my husband working, I had no choice in the matter really. I did stall a bit on the couch, staring off into space. To the untrained eye, it may have appeared that I was merely relaxing for a few moments. But in actuality, I was flicking through my mental files, searching for something, anything that must be taken care of immediately. Other than a mountain of laundry and a stack of thank you notes, no such luck.

So I got my arse on the yoga mat and just did it, like Nike has been imploring us to do all these years. And it wasn't really all that terrible. The fitness expert on this video is gorgeous and has a sick body. Plus, she's not annoying in the least bit. The slightest bit of a whiny voice during a yoga class, or even worse, a bad sense of humor have gotten me to walk right out of classes in the past. I admit that at a certain time in my life it was just a really good excuse to go have a cigarette. But this chick is totally benign. I did the 'express' version of the workout which meant just 30 valuable minutes out of my day. In the end, buttocks tightened momentarily and feeling slightly less flabby, it didn't seem like such an unreasonable amount of time to 'give up' a couple of days each week.

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